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Don't Be Beige: A Guide to Choosing Bold Curtain Colors for Your Home

24 Jun 2024 0 Comments
bold green curtains

Hi there! I'm James, the owner of We've been making custom curtains for over 10 years.

Today, I want to discuss how bold curtain colors can transform your space and make a bold statement in your home decor.

Key Takeaways

Main Section Key Takeaway
Why Bold Curtains Are Great Bold curtains add personality and create focal points in rooms. Try bold curtains to refresh your space without repainting.
Picking the Right Bold Color Consider room size, lighting, and existing decor when choosing bold colors. Match or contrast with your current color scheme for best results.
Popular Bold Curtain Colors Explore blues for calm, reds for energy, greens for nature, yellows for cheer, and blacks for modern style. Pick a color that matches the mood you want to create.
Using Bold Curtains in Different Rooms Adapt bold curtains to each room's purpose. Use energetic colors in living spaces and calming hues in bedrooms.
Tips for Decorating with Bold Curtains Balance bold curtains with neutral furniture and matching accent pieces. Choose fabrics that suit your style, from luxurious velvet to casual cotton.
What's Popular Now Try trendy styles like color blocking or nature-inspired hues. Mix different textures and patterns for a unique look.
Make Your Own Bold Curtains Get creative with DIY projects like dyeing or adding trims to plain curtains. It's a fun way to get custom bold curtains on a budget.
Taking Care of Bold Curtains Follow care instructions and protect from sun to keep colors vibrant. Proper care ensures your bold curtains look great for years.
What the Experts Say Interior designers recommend bold curtains to upgrade a room's look easily. Don't be afraid to experiment with new colors.
Shop Bold Curtains at Dolcewe Find custom-sized bold curtains starting at $26.99. Take advantage of free shipping over $199 and a 10% new customer discount.


Why Bold Curtains Are Great?

Curtains do more than just cover windows. They're an essential part of interior design that can change how a room feels. Bold colors are becoming very popular for window treatments. Here's why:

  • They add personality to a room

  • They create a focal point

  • They can make a space feel bigger or cozier

  • They're a fun way to try new hues without painting

Let's look at how to choose and use bold curtains in your living spaces.

Choosing the Right Bold Color Window Curtains

Consider the Room's Overall Color Scheme

  • Take stock of existing colors in walls, furniture, and decor.
  • For a harmonious look, choose curtains 1-2 shades lighter or darker than your walls.
  • To make a statement, select a contrasting color from elsewhere in the room (e.g. pick up an accent color from artwork or throw pillows).
  • Use the 60-30-10 rule: 60% dominant color, 30% secondary color, 10% accent color. Curtains can be part of the 30% or 10%.

Think About Room Size

  • In small spaces, light colors like ivory, pale blue, or soft gray can make the room feel more open.
  • For larger rooms, deeper hues like navy, forest green, or burgundy add coziness and depth.
  • Consider vertical stripes to create the illusion of height in rooms with low ceilings.

Assess Natural Light

  • South-facing rooms with lots of sunlight can handle darker, richer colors without feeling gloomy.
  • For north-facing rooms with limited light, opt for lighter curtains to brighten the space.
  • East/west-facing rooms may benefit from adjustable layered curtains - sheer for daytime, blackout for evening sun glare.

Consider the Mood

  • Energizing colors (reds, oranges, yellows) work well in living rooms and kitchens.
  • Calming colors (blues, greens, lavenders) are ideal for bedrooms and bathrooms.
  • Neutral colors (beige, gray, white) are versatile and can be accented with colorful tie-backs or valances.

Related Article: Dark Curtain Colors Guide

Coordinate with Furniture

  • Match undertones - warm curtains (reds, yellows, oranges) with warm wood tones; cool curtains (blues, greens, purples) with cool-toned furniture.
  • Use curtains to tie together different wood finishes in a room.
  • For patterned furniture, choose solid curtains that pick up a color from the pattern.

Think About Seasonality

  • Consider investing in two sets of curtains - lighter fabrics and colors for spring/summer, heavier fabrics and deeper colors for fall/winter.
  • Use curtain hooks or clip rings for easy seasonal swapping.
  • Neutral base curtains can be accessorized with seasonal tie-backs, valances, or sheers.

Actionable Tips:

  1. Collect fabric swatches and paint chips to create a mood board before committing.
  2. Test curtain samples in your space at different times of day to see how light affects the color.
  3. Start with one bold accent wall and match curtains to it for a cohesive look.
  4. Use color psychology to your advantage - e.g., yellow for creativity in a home office, green for relaxation in a bedroom.
  5. When in doubt, choose a versatile neutral and add pops of color through curtain accessories.

By carefully considering these factors and implementing these tips, you can confidently choose bold curtain colors that enhance your space and reflect your personal style.

Related Article: Curtain Colors For Different Rooms Guide

Popular bold colors for curtains

navy blue velvet curtains

Blue Curtains

Blue is a favorite color for many people. It can make a room feel calm and peaceful. Here are some shades of blue to try:

  • Navy blue: Adds sophistication to a space

  • Light blue: Makes a room feel airy and fresh

Red Curtains

Vibrant red linen dining room curtains

Red is a bold choice that can make a big impact. It's great for:

  • Living room curtains: Adds energy

  • Dining rooms: Can make food look yummier

Try deep red or burgundy for a rich look.

Green Curtains

Sage green home office curtains

Green reminds us of nature and can create a tranquil atmosphere. Try:

  • Sage green: Soft and calming

  • Emerald green: Rich and luxurious

Yellow Curtains

Cheerful lemon yellow curtains

Yellow is like sunshine in your room! It can brighten any space. Consider:

  • Lemon yellow: Cheerful and fun

  • Mustard yellow: Warm and cozy

Black Curtains

Elegant black light filtering curtains

Black curtains can look very modern and chic. They work well with:

  • White walls

  • Bright furniture

Remember to add some light colors too, so the room doesn't feel too dark.

Using Bold Curtains in Different Rooms

Living Room: Making a Statement

In the living room, bold curtains and drapes can serve as a focal point and set the tone for the entire space. Consider these options:

  • Jewel Tones: Rich emerald green, sapphire blue, or amethyst purple curtains can add luxury and depth.

  • Geometric Patterns: Bold, large-scale geometric prints in contrasting colors can create a modern, dynamic look.

  • Ombre Effect: Curtains that gradually shift from one bold color to another can add visual interest without overwhelming the space.

Tip: Pair bold curtains with neutral furniture to let the window treatments shine without competing with other elements.

Bedroom: Creating a Cozy yet Vibrant Atmosphere

deep blue blackout curtains

For bedrooms, choose bold curtains that promote relaxation while adding personality:

  • Deep Blues: Navy or indigo curtains can create a calming, cocoon-like atmosphere.

  • Warm Terracottas: Earthy, reddish-brown hues can make the space feel cozy and inviting.

  • Soft Pastels: While still bold, pastel pinks, yellows, or lavenders can add a gentle pop of color.

Tip: Use blackout lining with bold curtains in bedrooms to ensure they're functional for sleep while making a style statement.

Kitchen: Adding Personality to Functional Spaces

gingham pattern curtains

In kitchens, bold curtains can inject color and pattern into an often utilitarian space:

  • Citrus Hues: Bright lemon yellow or lime green curtains can energize the kitchen.

  • Gingham or Checks: Bold patterns in vivid colors like red and white can add a classic, cheerful touch.

  • Floral Prints: Large-scale floral patterns in bold colors can bring a garden-fresh feel indoors.

Tip: For kitchen curtains, choose easy-to-clean fabrics that can withstand moisture and occasional splatters.

Home Office: Boosting Creativity and Productivity

energetic orange home office curtains

In a home office, bold curtains can inspire creativity and create a motivating environment:

  • Energetic Orange: A vibrant orange can stimulate mental activity and enthusiasm.

  • Bold Stripes: Wide vertical stripes in contrasting colors can make the ceiling appear higher and add a professional touch.

  • Metallic Accents: Curtains with gold or silver threads woven through a bold color can add a touch of sophistication.

Tip: Ensure the bold curtains don't create glare on computer screens by choosing a matte finish fabric.

Tips for Decorating with Bold Curtains

Balancing Bold Curtains with Other Decor Elements

To create a harmonious look:

  • Use neutral-colored furniture to let the curtains be the star.

  • Pick up accent colors from the curtains in throw pillows, rugs, or artwork.

  • Balance bold curtains on one wall with more subdued window treatments on opposing walls.

Choosing the Right Fabric for Bold Curtains

The fabric can enhance the bold color or pattern:

  • Velvet or silk for a luxurious look with jewel tones.

  • Linen or cotton for a more casual feel with bright, cheerful colors.

  • Sheer fabrics for a softer approach to bold colors, allowing light to filter through.

Patterned vs. Solid Bold Curtains

Decide based on your room's existing decor:

  • Use patterned curtains in rooms with mostly solid-colored furnishings.

  • Opt for solid bold curtains if you already have patterned wallpaper or upholstery.

  • Mix patterns by choosing curtains with a different scale pattern than other elements in the room.

Incorporating Complementary Patterns and Textures

To add depth to your bold curtain choice:

  • Layer sheer curtains under bold solid curtains for texture and light control.

  • Use patterned roman shades under solid bold curtains for added interest.

  • Incorporate textured throw pillows or rugs that complement the curtain color.

What's Popular Now 

color-blocked curtain living room

Color Blocking and Ombre Effects

  • Try curtains with horizontal color blocks in complementary bold hues.

  • Use ombre curtains that fade from a bold color at the bottom to a lighter shade at the top.

Nature-Inspired Hues

  • Incorporate bold greens inspired by lush forests or tropical plants.

  • Use deep ocean blues or vibrant coral colors for a coastal-inspired look.

Metallic Accents

  • Choose curtains with metallic threads woven through bold colors for a touch of glamour.

  • Use curtain rods and finials in gold or copper to complement bold curtain colors.

Bohemian and Eclectic Color Combinations

  • Mix unexpected color combinations like teal and mustard or fuchsia and olive green.

  • Layer different patterns in bold colors for a maximalist, bohemian look.

Innovative Ways to Harmonize Bold Colors

  1. Introduce Bold Colored Functional Pieces: Choose essential, practical pieces like a bold-colored couch, lamp, or coffee table to serve a dual purpose of functionality and aesthetic appeal.

  2. Leverage the Ceiling: Paint your ceiling in a bold color, leaving the walls neutral to draw the eye upward and create a sense of expansiveness.

  3. Merge with Minimalism: Combine bold colors with minimalist design, letting the vibrant hues shine as the focal point against simple, clean lines.

  4. Embrace Bold Fabrics: Utilize bold colored curtains, throw pillows, or rugs to add vibrancy without overpowering the space.

  5. Incorporate Art and Installations: Use artwork or installations in vibrant tones as statement pieces to infuse color and contribute to the overall aesthetic narrative.

  6. Strategic Color Blocking: Use bold colors on specific sections of the wall or furniture to create visually distinct areas without overwhelming the space.

  7. Blend with Natural Elements: Combine bold hues with natural materials like wood or stone to neutralize the intensity and bring a balanced, earthy feel.

  8. Utilize Reflective Surfaces: Pair bold hues with mirrors, glossy or metallic finishes to reflect light and add sophistication.

Shop Bold Curtains at Dolcewe

Ready to try bold curtains? At, we have lots of options:

  • Many styles, fabrics, colors, and patterns
  • Custom sizes to fit your windows perfectly
  • Prices start at just $26.99
  • Free shipping on orders over $199
  • Get 10% off when you sign up

At, we're here to help you find the perfect bold curtains. Our custom sizes ensure a perfect fit, and our wide range of colors means you'll find just what you need to create a visually appealing focal point in any room.

Start browsing our bold curtains collection today and transform your space with vibrant hues!

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