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Moroccan Curtains: A World of Color and Pattern for Your Windows

25 Jun 2024 0 Comments
layered Moroccan curtains

Hi there! I'm James, the owner of We've been making custom curtains for over 10 years. Today, I want to talk about Moroccan curtains.

These curtains are full of bright colors and fun patterns. They can make your home look amazing!

Key Takeaways

Main Section Takeaway
Types of Fabric for Moroccan Curtains Choose silk for elegance, velvet for warmth and light blocking, cotton for easy care, or linen for a breezy feel. Consider your room's needs and your maintenance preferences when selecting fabric.
Popular Styles of Moroccan Curtains Experiment with Moroccan tile prints for bold geometry, trellis patterns for subtle elegance, or embroidered designs for added texture. Mix different styles in adjacent rooms for a cohesive yet varied look throughout your home.
Colors in Moroccan Curtains Embrace jewel tones for drama, earth tones for warmth, or grey and white for a modern twist. Start with neutral curtains featuring colorful Moroccan patterns if you're unsure about bold colors, and add more vibrant accessories later.
Patterns on Moroccan Curtains Incorporate geometric patterns for visual interest, ikat for a bohemian touch, or leaf motifs for a natural feel. Balance busy patterns with solid colors in your room to avoid overwhelming the space.
Incorporating Moroccan Curtains in Different Rooms Use Moroccan curtains to add exotic flair to living rooms, create a cozy atmosphere in bedrooms, or bring color to kitchens and bathrooms. Consider the room's function and existing decor when choosing curtain styles and patterns.


What Are Moroccan Curtains?

Moroccan Curtains Patterns

Moroccan window curtains come from the country of Morocco. This place has lots of cool designs that people love. Moroccan curtains have:

  • Bright, bold colors
  • Fun patterns with shapes and flowers
  • Tassels and other pretty decorations

These curtains can make your windows look special. They add a touch of far-away places to your home. Moroccan curtains bring a boho-chic vibe to any room, whether it's your living room, bedroom, or even bathroom.

Types of Fabric for Moroccan Curtain Panels

Fabric Best For Pros Cons
Silk Elegant living rooms or bedrooms - Soft and smooth
- Shiny appearance
- Drapes well
- Expensive
- Requires special care
- Fades in sunlight
Velvet Bedrooms, blackout curtains - Excellent light blocking
- Insulating
- Rich appearance
- Heavy
- Difficult to clean
- Can be too warm
Cotton Casual rooms, sheer curtain panels - Affordable
- Easy to clean
- Variety of colors
- Wrinkles easily
- Limited light blocking
- Can fade over time
Linen Breezy, casual spaces - Naturally pest-resistant
- Softens with use
- Natural texture
- Wrinkles easily
- More expensive than cotton
- Limited insulation


Silk Curtains

Silk is a smooth, shiny textile that looks very fancy. Silk drapes Make your living room or bedroom look elegant.


  • Very soft and smooth
  • Shiny and pretty
  • Hangs nicely


  • Costs a lot
  • Needs special cleaning
  • Can fade in the sun

Velvet Curtains

Velvet is thick and soft. It feels nice to touch and is great for blackout curtains. They keep rooms warm and dark, great for bedrooms.


  • Blocks light well
  • Keeps heat in
  • Looks rich and fancy


  • Can be heavy
  • Hard to clean
  • Might be too warm for hot places

Cotton Curtains

Cotton is a light, natural fabric that's easy to take care of. It's perfect for sheer curtain panels.

Best for: Casual rooms like kitchens or family rooms.


  • Not too expensive
  • Easy to clean
  • Comes in lots of colors


  • Gets wrinkly easily
  • Doesn't block much light
  • Can fade over time

Linen Curtains

Linen is light and lets some air through. It looks relaxed and natural, perfect for a boho style.

Best for: Making rooms feel breezy and casual.


  • Bugs don't like it
  • Gets softer over time
  • Looks nice and natural


  • Wrinkles a lot
  • Can cost more than cotton
  • Doesn't keep rooms very warm
Moroccan-inspired tassel curtain
Style Best For Pros Cons
Moroccan Tile Print Bold look in living or dining rooms - Eye-catching pattern
- Versatile for various decor styles
- Available in many colors
- Can overwhelm small spaces
- Difficult to match with other patterns
Moroccan Trellis Subtle Moroccan vibe in bedrooms or living rooms - Elegant and versatile
- Works with various decor styles
- Often in neutral colors
- May not feel distinctly Moroccan
- Can look too simple alone
Embroidered Moroccan Adding texture and detail - Unique, handcrafted look
- Adds depth to decor
- Incorporates traditional motifs
- More expensive
- Requires special care
Tassel Curtains Adding playful touch to any room - Adds movement and fun
- Various color options
- Enhances plain curtains
- Tassels hard to clean
- Can look messy if overdone
- Not suitable for formal spaces


Tile Print Curtains

These curtains feature patterns inspired by Moroccan tiles.

Best for: Adding a bold, geometric look to your living room or dining room.


  • Eye-catching Moroccan pattern
  • Works well in modern or traditional spaces
  • Available in various colors


  • Might be too busy for small rooms
  • Can be hard to match with other patterns

Trellis Curtains

These curtains have a repeating trellis pattern, often in white Moroccan style.

Best for: Creating a subtle Moroccan vibe in bedrooms or living rooms.


  • Elegant and versatile design
  • Works well with various decor styles
  • Often available in neutral colors


  • Might not feel as distinctly Moroccan as other patterns
  • Can look too simple if not paired with other Moroccan elements

Embroidered Moroccan Curtains

These curtains feature intricate embroidery inspired by Moroccan textiles.

Best for: Adding texture and detail to your window treatments.


  • Unique and handcrafted look
  • Adds depth to your window decor
  • Often incorporates traditional Moroccan motifs


  • Can be more expensive due to the detailed work
  • May require special care when cleaning

Tassel Curtains

These have fun dangly bits at the bottom, a common feature in Moroccan and bohemian curtains.

Best for: Adding a playful touch to any room.


  • Adds movement and fun to windows
  • Comes in lots of colors
  • Can make plain curtains look more special


  • Tassels can be hard to clean
  • Might look messy if there are too many
  • Not good for very formal rooms

Colors in Moroccan Curtains

Color Scheme Best For Pros Cons
Jewel Tones Creating warm, exciting atmosphere - Makes a bold statement
- Authentic Moroccan feel
- Creates cozy ambiance
- Overwhelming in small spaces
- Challenging to match
- Can darken rooms
Earth Tones Calm, natural feel - Easy to match
- Relaxing atmosphere
- Versatile for various styles
- May lack excitement
- Can look dull without accents
- Might not stand out
Grey and White Modern Moroccan-inspired spaces - Fits with modern decor
- Neutral base for accessories
- Can make rooms feel larger
- Lacks traditional Moroccan vibrancy
- Can feel cold without warm elements

Jewel Tones

These are bright, rich colors like deep green, blue, and red.

Best for: Making rooms feel warm and exciting.


  • Makes a big statement
  • Feels very Moroccan
  • Can make a room feel cozy


  • Might be too much for small rooms
  • Can be hard to match with other things
  • Might make a room feel dark

Earth Tones

These are warm colors like brown, orange, and sandy yellow.

Best for: Making rooms feel calm and natural.


  • Easy to match with other colors
  • Makes rooms feel relaxing
  • Works in both old and new-style rooms


  • Might not feel very exciting
  • Can look boring if not mixed with brighter colors
  • Might not stand out enough

Grey and White Moroccan

Grey and white Moroccan patterns are popular for a more modern look.

Best for: Creating a contemporary Moroccan-inspired space.


  • Fits well with modern decor
  • Provides a neutral base for colorful accessories
  • Can make a room feel larger and brighter


  • Might lack the vibrant colors associated with traditional Moroccan decor
  • Can feel cold if not balanced with warmer elements

Patterns on Moroccan Curtains

Moroccan Gemometric sheer curtains

Geometric Patterns

These use shapes like quatrefoils, ogees, and other Moroccan-inspired designs.

Best for: Adding interest without being too fancy.


  • Works in both old and new-style rooms
  • Adds order to a room's look
  • Comes in different sizes to fit any room


  • Can look too busy if not balanced with plain colors
  • Might clash with other patterns in the room
  • Some detailed patterns can cost more

Ikat Patterns

Ikat is a dyeing technique that creates blurred, ethereal patterns.

Best for: Adding a soft, bohemian touch to your windows.


  • Unique, handcrafted look
  • Blends well with other patterns
  • Available in various color combinations


  • Can be more expensive due to the specialized dyeing process
  • Might not suit very formal or minimalist spaces

Moroccan Print Curtains

These curtains feature various Moroccan-inspired prints, from intricate arabesques to simple geometric shapes.

Best for: Creating an authentic Moroccan feel in any room.


  • Adds lots of detail and interest
  • Often has beautiful color mixes
  • Feels very connected to Moroccan culture


  • Might be too much for small rooms
  • Can cost more because of the detailed design
  • Might need special cleaning to keep looking nice

Leaf Patterns

Many Moroccan-inspired curtains incorporate stylized leaf motifs.

Best for: Adding a natural, organic touch to your window treatments.


  • Brings a bit of nature inside
  • Can soften the look of geometric patterns
  • Often available in various color combinations


  • Might not feel as distinctly Moroccan as other patterns
  • Can look too busy if paired with other floral elements in the room

Shop for Moroccan Curtains at

At, we love Moroccan curtains! Here's what we offer:

  • Lots of styles, colors, and patterns
  • Custom sizes to fit your windows perfectly
  • Prices starting at just $26.99
  • Free shipping on orders over $199
  • 10% off when you sign up for our emails

Custom-sized curtains ensure a perfect fit, which not only looks better but can also improve their functionality in terms of light blocking and insulation

Before ordering, use our online measurement guide to ensure you get the right size. If you're unsure, don't hesitate to contact our customer service for help.

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