Curtain Size Calculator For Drapes And Drapery

Curtain Size Calculator


Welcome to our Online Curtain Size Calculator Guide! 

Look no further if you're seeking the ideal curtain dimensions to enhance your living space. Our comprehensive guide simplifies measuring and selecting the perfect curtain size for your windows. Whether you're a novice decorator or an experienced interior designer, this guide is designed to make your journey easier. 

Let's dive in and find the perfect curtain size that matches your vision.

Table of Contents

  1. Measuring Your Window for Different Curtain Styles
  2. Choosing from Standard Window Curtain Lengths
  3. Calculating Curtain Length Using Our Curtain Size Calculator
  4. Determining Curtain Width from Standard Curtain Widths
  5. Resolving Issues with Excessively Long Curtains
  6. Curtain Length vs. Width Calculator
  7. Avoiding Common Mistakes with Standard Curtain Lengths

1. Measuring Your Window for Different Curtain Styles

Before you can choose the perfect curtain, accurate measurements are key. Whether it's a rejuvenation of your existing space or a complete transformation, our guide has got you covered.

How to measure your window for different curtain styles

Curtains are typically measured in inches or centimeters. The measurement should be taken from the top of the window frame to the desired stopping point of the curtain. For long curtains, the norm is to measure to the floor. For shorter options:

  • Measure from the top of the window to the top of the sill for café and sill-length curtains.
  • Measure from the top of the window to the bottom of the apron for apron length curtains.

2. Choosing from Standard Curtain Sizes

Curtains come in a variety of lengths and fullness options. Before you measure, it's important to know your preferred curtain style. Let's explore the standard curtain lengths:

  • Long curtains, floor length curtains commonly measured in inches, include 72 inches, 84 inches, 96 inches, 108 inches, and 120 inches
  • Short window curtain styles, often used for sinks, radiators, bathrooms, or children's rooms, come in 24 inches, 28 inches, 36 inches, 48 inches, 50 inches, and 54 inches.

    3. Calculating Curtain Length Using Our Curtain Size Calculator

    Once you've measured your window, input the height into our curtain size calculator and select your desired curtain style. The calculator will generate the perfect curtain panel length for you. But if you're curious about the calculations, here's how they work:

    For the standard height, add 4 inches to account for the curtain rod. If your room has a higher ceiling, consider adding 6 inches. For those luxurious floor-length curtains, add an extra 6 inches. The formulas are as follows:

    • Sill, apron, café, and floor-length curtains: Curtain length = Height + rod height
    • Café length: Curtain length = Height/2
    • Extra long curtains: Curtain length = Height + rod height + 6 Please note that if you're using centimeters, adjust the formula accordingly.

      4. Determining the Width Of Your Curtain from Standard Curtain Widths

      To find the right curtain width, measure from the left outer edge of the window frame to the right. Enter this measurement in the calculator's window width field.

      Then, choose your desired fullness level, and our curtain width calculator will give you the optimal width. Generally, the standard curtain width is 1.5, 2, 2.5, or 3 times the width of the window. Formulas for Calculating Curtain Width:

      • Minimum Curtain Length = width of window × 1.5
      • Standard curtain width = width of window × 2
      • Deluxe curtain width = width of window × 2.5
      • Ultra fullness = width of window × 3

      Please be aware that all our curtains are already designed with 1.5 times the fullness. However, you also have the option to select curtains with 2 times the fullness if you prefer


      5. Resolving Issues with Excessively Long Length Curtains

      If your curtain measurements exceed the standard sizes, don't worry! Adjusting the curtain rod can easily fix this.

      By placing the rod higher, you can enhance the room's appearance. For an even more dramatic effect, consider positioning it just below the ceiling to create the illusion of taller windows.

      Our curtains are available in grommets, ring tops, and rod pockets for easy installation. 

      6. Curtain Length vs. Width Calculator

      Whether you're interested in curtain length or width, our calculator has you covered. To determine curtain length, fill in the curtain type and window height fields.

      For curtain width, use the curtain fullness and window width fields. You'll receive real-time answers without any delay.

      For a polished and luxurious look, ensure that long curtains either reach the floor, gently kiss it, or pool gracefully.

      Curtains shorter than this may compromise the elegance of the space. In areas with heat sources, ensure the curtain hangs above the heat. Additionally, shorter curtains are a safer option for children's rooms and spaces where the visually impaired or elderly reside.

      7. Avoiding Common Mistakes with Standard Curtain Lengths

      To avoid common mistakes with standard curtain lengths, consider the following:

      1. Measure accurately:

        • Use a metal measuring tape for better accuracy.
        • Measure from the top of the window frame or curtain rod to the desired length.
      2. Choose the right length:

        • Avoid curtains that are too short, as they make a room look awkward and incomplete.
        • Opt for longer curtains rather than shorter ones when in doubt.
      3. Ensure proper curtain rod placement:

        • Mount the curtain rod 4 to 6 inches above the window frame.
        • Choose a curtain rod that is wider than the width of your window.
      4. Avoid curtains that are too narrow:

        • Curtain panels should be about 1.5 times or two times the width of the window.
      5. Overlooking Custom Curtains: If standard curtain lengths aren't fitting your windows or matching your style, consider getting custom-made curtains.

      6. Ignoring Design Aesthetic: Curtain lengths can influence the look of a room. If you want a formal look, go for curtains that touch the floor, for casual look, curtains that end just below the window sill might work

      If you have any questions about your curtain sizes, don't hesitate to contact us.